Welcome to the family history of William “Bill” Forster and Elizabeth “Betty” (Hulse) Forster. With luck, research, luck, perseverance, and more luck, ancestors have been traced along family lines as far back as the mid- 12th century England, and with some links to lineages back to as early as 32 AD/CE.
This family history includes family members who were emigrants from Europe to America, fought in America’s wars, graduated from many colleges, and were beloved parents, uncles, aunts, and friends.
Forster-Hulse Family History 2023 (35MB)
Surnames that appear in the main narrative are listed here.
* indicates key surnames by historical significance or number of family members.
Allerton * Amy Anderseon apIevan apLlen Archer Aune Babbs Bagnall Baird Barnabit Barr Beebe Benedict Bertain Betts * Bishop Blaxton Borevitz Borewicz Borodonsky Bowen Bradley Bret Brewster Brouthton Brown Brunig Burford Burwell Butterworth Carpenter Carre Clark Coombs * Couchman * Crosby Cushman * Davenport * Dickenson Edgar Ellis Elwell Fairchild Fennike Fenton * Fitts Flemming | Forster * Garshfield Gay Gold Goss Gould Graves Hanford Harrington Harvey Herbert Hesselden Hoge Hubbard Hulse * Ingrahm Johnson * Lacie Lawry Limbocker Lipkin * Littleton Lockwood * Logan Logbeck Lynn Malotzske Maltby * Mathew * Mathews * Mathewson McClanahan McClelland McClung * McGavin McKenney Melgrave Middleton Milkewicz Miller Milligan Milligton Morgan Morris Musgrave Nevill Norris Norton | Parsons Peck * Perry Pierce Pierson Pointz Pratt Priest * Reder Rogers Romig * Rubelt Saunders Savill Schleuter Scofield Sention * Shepard Skerne Slawson Smith Squire Staib Stark Steele * Stuart Swab Sweeting Swingler Thomas Thompson Tunstall Vaughan Walker * Wall Waters Watford Wembourne Wheelock Wheelwright Willey Wilton Wood Wooley Young Zimmerman |